When people spend time with me, they fly.


I help people intentionally design and create their next level of success.

My clients are bestselling authors, founders of multiple 6- and 7-figure businesses, professional athletes, an Emmy Award winner, the creative director of a global fashion brand, and executives within multi-billion dollar companies.

They trust me as their outside pair of eyes and ears. I see what most people can’t see — the subtle shifts that unlock enormous transformation — and am willing to say what most people won’t say. As a result of our partnership, their lives and businesses fly.

Working Together

I work with most clients for one to three years. My coaching is not for the faint of heart.

If you are interested in my support, there are two ways for us to work together one-to-one:

1:1 Coaching

Each year, I work with a handful of clients one-to-one. There is no set curriculum; your program is designed for you.

  • 12 months — $50,000

  • 6 months — $30,000

Breakthrough Session — $5,000

One powerful conversation can transform everything. One of my clients wrote his first book and sold it to a major publisher following our breakthrough session. Another had an insight about her approach to relationships and, shortly after, met the love of her life. They’ve been married for years now.

Breakthrough sessions are a great way to deep dive into a specific challenge or opportunity and unlock the insight needed to create immediate and lasting transformation. They are typically about 3 hours long.

I work with people whose word is more powerful than any contract or document. All compensation is paid prior to our first coaching session and is non-refundable.

If you are interested in working together, please e-mail: hello@levina-li.com